IMG_1301As part of a whole nourished life, choose local, seasonalorganically grown fruits and vegetables and meat and eggs sourced from local farms raising animals in a humane and ethical way.  This not only supports your local economy, but the nutrient-density of these foods far surpasses that of conventionally grown produce flown in from thousands of miles away or meat from feedlot animals.  Here are some great local resources if you’re in Colorado, as well as some options for great companies doing their part to produce high quality goods to supplement what you get from your local farmer.

  • Dart Farms, Berthoud, CO-organic produce, eggs, CSA shares, pastured pork and poultry, Nature-Based and Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy.  303-859-1827
  • 5280 Meat- Grass-fed, pastured meat and poultry 5280meat.com
  • Johnsons Acres, Thornton, CO- Grass-fed raw milk shares johnsonacres.com
  • Isabelle Farms, Lafayette, CO- Organic produce, CSA shares, farm store.   isabellefarm.com